Shelestova O. Medical and psychological factors of disorders of military-professional adaptation of servicemen.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 19.00.04 - Медична психологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.02

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The purpose of the work - to determine the peculiarities of the influence of medical and psychological factors on the emergence of adaptation disorders and to develop on this basis a program of medical and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen with adaptive disorders. The results of the study are based on data from a comprehensive survey of 191 military personnel, of whom 100 have a clinically diagnosed adaptation disorder and 91 people without psychiatric symptoms due to stress, and the survey was carried out using clinical, psychological, psychodiagnostic and statistical research methods. In the course of the study, the following indicators were produced: indicators, indicators, factors and markers of disorders in servicemen of various military service; an analysis was made of the features of the functioning of the sphere of memory, the psycho emotional sphere and the sphere of the individual, as well as the psychosocial functioning of servicemen of various forms of military service. The typology of the identified individual psychological and behavioral peculiarities of servicemen with an adjustment disorder was systematized; peculiarities of changes in the cognitive and psycho emotional, personal spheres of servicemen with an adaptation disorder were studied, the specificity of the influence of professional stress on the professional activity of a serviceman was studied, peculiarities of violations in the sphere of memory and emotional sphere were revealed; mechanisms of formation have been defined and pathogenetic factors that lead to the emergence of disorders of military-professional adaptation of servicemen have been identified. Based on the results obtained, the system of psychological correction of adaptation disorders was justified and developed. Its general principle is formulated in the form of an algorithm of actions, stages, goals and ways of their achievement are generalized, the effectiveness of its implementation in clinical medical and psychological practice was assessed. The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time a systematic study of the problem of identifying markers, indicators and factors that cause the emergence of an adjustment disorder in servicemen of various forms of military service is described, the model of their development and formation is characterized, the essence of the problem of development of adaptation disorders is more deeply studied. Was put in the basis for the creation of a comprehensive system of psychological correction of adaptation disorders among military personnel. On the basis of the results of a comprehensive psychological study of the characteristics of the cognitive sphere - such mental processes as attention, memory, intelligence, emotional sphere, personality characteristics, indicators, factors and markers for the development of adaptation disorder among military personnel were identified. The markers of stressful disorders among servicemen at the cognitive level were violations of attention processes, a decrease in the level of memorization and intelligence, like previous cognitive dysfunction; At the psycho emotional level, fluctuations in the psycho emotional state in the form of mental fatigue with the installation of energy conservation, as well as the accumulation of negative, emotions, experiences, increased psycho-emotional tension, a decrease in the capacity for independent mental recovery; On the personal level - such features as emotional instability, subordination, secrecy, fearfulness, radicalism, low ability to dream (rigidity of imagination function), tension, mental exhaustion, introversion, as well as character accentuation on anxious, cyclotimous, demonstrative, excitable, distimous and exalted Type. The indicator of the development of a stressful state with a high probability is a high index on the scale ptsd . As markers of the presence of mental protective structures, there are no violations in the cognitive sphere, a high level of self-control, moral normativity, a hypertensive character accentuation. Violations of the function of attention, memory and the intellectual sphere in adaptation disorders were formed as a consequence of the nonspecific effect of stress on mental activity in the psycho-pathogen chain "tension-resistance-impotence". The influence of the mnestic function on the development of stress disorders can also be realized due to organic or functional disorders of attention, memory and intellect functions that lead to disturbances in the ability to reproduce the chain of events and the loss of cause and effect relationships, and the mechanism of "mental hypermnesia" - mental fixation on stressful events, repeated repetition in memories, experiences of negative memories. Based on the results of a stepwise linear regression analysis, factors of development of adaptation disorders among military personnel were identified. The most effective model with a predictive level of 81 %, showed that the origin of adaptation disorders were a multifactor process, conditioned both by the personality pattern and the state of the cognitive sphere. It was established that the factors that formed the basis for the development of adaptation disorders were the intensity, anxiety (anxiety type of accentuation), anxiety, seclusion, low awareness of self-organization, control of behavior and attachment to social norms, violations in the cognitive sphere (memory, attention, reduction of intelligence), While the protective factors were moral normality, self-control ability, self-confidence, emotional warmth, sociability, contact, persistence, purposefulness, confidence, ambition, self-consciousness, stability, ability to dedicate, ability to easily establish interpersonal connections. The practical significance of the results obtained is the development and implementation in the clinical practice of an integrative system of psychological diagnosis and correction aimed at identifying disorders of military professional adaptation and comprehensive rehabilitation of servicemen. For clinical psychodiagnostics and military practice, the validated psychodiagnostic methods for determining, the presence and severity of adaptation disorders created by us. The created general algorithm of the system of psychological correction of servicemen with adaptive disorders takes into account the step-by-step achievement of certain goals, is based on the medical-psychological targets of influence, includes a flexible system of psychological measures, adapted to the real clinical conditions for the implementation of psychological interventions.


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