Obikhod M. The State Youth Policy in Ukraine in the Context of European Choice

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 25.00.01 - Теорія і історія державного управління


Specialized Academic Board

К 35.860.01

Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


In the dissertation analyzes the process of formation and implementation of the state youth policy of Ukraine taking into account the democratic experience of the EU countries in this field. The article states that the formation and realization of the state youth policy in Ukraine in the conditions of European choice takes place against the background of general tendencies of democratization of society, expansion of opportunities for socialization and individual development of the individual. State youth policy is defined as the activity of the state, aimed at transforming the entire set of social conditions in order to guarantee the progressive development of young citizens and the realization of their creative potential. It is proved that, in accordance with international requirements and European standards, the modern conceptual model of state youth policy is based on observance of the principle of consensus between the youth environment and state structures, which in turn requires proper legislative and organizational reform. Youth policy in the countries of Europe is carried out according to the following main directions: constant attention to social trust between the government, society as a whole and young people; creating conditions for general and vocational education; guarantee of freedom of cultural, creative and political expression; promotion of active lifestyle and recreation; social assistance for young families and persons with special needs, targeted special support for young people “risk groups”, etc. Taking into account the advanced achievements of European countries in this area, it is determined that the dominant tendency for modernization of the state youth policy of Ukraine should be the refusal of archaic paternalistic orientations and the expansion of creative opportunities for young people. The main areas of improvement of the domestic youth policy in the context of European choice should include: improving the legal framework; organizational expansion of the subjects of its implementation (from the profile ministry to all management structures, including youth organizations); formation of effective information policy; strengthening the role of social guarantees for youth; providing quality education and professional training, developing and implementing programs for the active involvement of young people in cooperation with state institutions and public associations, and others. It is established that youth policy models and legislation of EU countries in terms of state aid and youth support have national characteristics, differ in the level of centralization and regulation of youth processes. They do not have a single standard for the formation and implementation of state youth policy. For Ukraine, as well as for most European countries, a three-tier structure of the implementation of youth policy, including central, regional and local levels, is characteristic. Therefore, the state youth policy of Ukraine is defined as centralized, and the direction of its modernization is the strengthening of decentralization by delegated powers at the primary stages of government and the increasing involvement of young people in the processes of implementing youth policy. The theoretical analysis of the experience of European countries in the field of the implementation of the state youth policy has revealed a number of meaningful characteristics of the latter, which allowed to reveal its democratic and humanistic orientation. Thus, the modern European concept of governance is based on the condition that youth policy is one of the key and priority directions of the activity of any democratic state, oriented to the progressive development of society. First of all, it involves the full development of a young person in the unity of her freedoms, rights and dignity, based on the principles of civil society and democracy, the rule of law, interethnic and interfaith accord, as well as on such high values as spirituality, justice and goodness. The main directions of improvement of the domestic youth policy are determined and theoretical suggestions and practical recommendations for the activity of state authorities and local self government bodies in this area are developed. In particular, it is recommended to introduce foreign experience in the implementation of specific youth sector development programs (housing, vocational education, etc.), to form effective institutional management systems, actively involve youth organizations as full-fledged subjects of their own development. It is proved that today Ukraine has considerable experience in implementing the state youth policy, which, based on the best achievements of European countries


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