Object of study - nanocomposite coatings for dental implants, pathogens of perimplant diseases. The aim of the study - microbiological justification of development new composite coatings for dental implants to increase the efficiency of prevention of peri-implant diseases. Research methods: physical-chemical, microbiological, mathematical-statistical. Apparatus: scanning electron microscope REMMA-102; automated diffractometer DRON 4-07. Theoretical and practical results: a series of thermosetting was created from 18 samples of new coatings for dental implants based hydroxyapatite (GA) and components with antimicrobial and osteointegrating properties: chitosan (in concentrations ranging from 0.025 to 0.100 g/l), silver ions (at a concentration of 0.100 g/l), decamethoxin (at concentrations of 0.025 and 1.000 g/l), collagen (at a concentration of 0.300 g/l). It is determined that samples of composite coatings based on GA
(chitosan 0.050 g/l, decametoxin 0.025 g/l), № 12 (chitosan 0.100 g/l, decamethoxin 0.025 g/l), № 17 (decamethoxin 0.025 g/l, collagen 0.300 g/l) are characterized the highest antimicrobial activity as to the reference test strains of microorganisms, and to clinical isolates pathogens of peri-implant diseases belonging to different taxonomic groups: gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, as well as mushrooms of the genus Candida. Composite coatings №№ 1, 11, 12, 17 exhibit anti-adhesive action concerning microorganisms of different taxonomic groups (E. coli ATCC 25922 та S. aureus ATCC 25923). The level of anti-adhesive effect depends on the composition of the coating. The most slow formation of resistance in clinical strains E. coli СAL-22 and S. aureus СAL-3 installed on samples of coatings №№ 11 і 12. Dynamics of gradual growth of resistance both in the escherichia and staphylococci, was observed from 5 to 25 passages with a linear-like increase in the MIC from 4 to 22 times and the subsequent more intense its formation to 30 passages. Novelty: for the first time by a method of thermal deposition with a cooling system on the basis of hydroxyapatite 18 samples of new nanocomposite coatings for dental implants were developed, which differed in qualitative and quantitative composition of components with antimicrobial and osteointegrating properties and the high antimicrobial activity of samples based on GA is proved № 11 (chitosan 0.050 g/l, decamethoxin 0.025 g/l), № 12 (chitosan 0.100 g/l, decamethoxin 0.025 g/l), № 17 (decamethoxin 0.025 g/l, collagen 0.300 g/l), as to the reference test strains of microorganisms, and to the clinical isolates of pathogens of peri-implant diseases.
It was first detected that the biggest effect inhibition of adhesion of strains E. coli ATCC 25922 and S. aureus ATCC 25923 has a sample of coverage № 12, which is confirmed by a decrease in the quantities IAM compared to control by 39.9 % and 27.4 %, respectively.
It is determined that the slowest formation of resistance in clinical strains E. coli СAL-22 and S. aureus СAL-3 comes to the sample coverage № 12 with an increase of 30 passages of the output value of the MIC in 26-28 times. Degree of implementation: 1 patent; new technology, methodological recommendations, informational letter of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, sectoral innovations, 3 acts of introduction. Sphere (industry) of use: health (medicine).