The thesis is a comprehensive study of the problem of formation of future music teachers’ musical-performing self-control in the process of learning piano playing. The essence of the phenomenon of self-control and the concept of “musical-performing self-control” is revealed in the dissertation. It is proved that functioning of self-control depends on the psycho-physiological and cognitive processes of the individual. The essence of the concept of “musical-performing self-control” is determined, in the research it is a conscious, dynamic process, which develops on the basis of natural inclinations and psychological features of a musician-performer, and synthesizes concentration of musical hearing, attention, will, aimed at critical evaluation and correction of his own musical performance of the work concerning its correspondence to the imaginary standard and the intended performing interpretation. The professional focus of musical-performing self-control of the future music teacher is specified: it is a process of concentration of the performing-creative, psycho-emotional resource of the personality, which is activated in interpretation of the musical works, their sound implementation in front of the listening audience, in particular during the pedagogical practice in order to ensure the quality of performance in accordance with emerging pedagogical tasks; it ensures the effectiveness of independent, methodological, rehearsal work and raising the performance level in the creative activity of the future music teacher in the process of learning piano playing, consisting of personality-cognitive, motivational-interpretive, performing-corrective components. The methodology of forming future music teachers’ musical-performing self-control in the process of learning piano playing, is based on interdisciplinary, polymodal, anthropological, creative-reflexive, competence scientific approaches. The methodology is based on such pedagogical conditions: ensuring the phenomenon of reduction in the performing activity; actualizing development of personal psychological preconditions for self-control: auditory attention, volitional qualities, auditory representations; stimulating auditory perceptual reflection in the process of piano playing; directing auditory self-control in the artistic sphere at achieving correspondence to the imagined auditory standard; targeted correction of musical-performing self-control: from conscious to unconscious and vice versa. The criteria (cognitive-perceptual, artistic-intentional, technique-mobilization), indicators of evaluation of musical-performing self-control and qualitative characteristics of the levels of formation of future music teachers’ musical-performing self-control (high – creative-corrective, medium – reproductive-developing, low – performing-problem) are determined
The effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the formation of future music teachers’ musical-performing self-control in the process of learning piano playing has been experimentally tested.