Andriishyna K. Linguistic Means of Authorization in Modern English Magazine Discourse: Cognitive Rhetorical Aspect.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 10.02.04 - Германські мови


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.054.04


The thesis discusses the cognitive rhetorical aspect of linguistic means of authorization as a category of the author’s manifestation in modern English magazine discourse. This type of authorization is represented by constructions which due to the fusion of form and meaning or form and function reflect the authorship – individual, institutional or collective – in terms of ethos as an author’s self-representation and pathos associated with the audience’s evaluations, emotions or needs. The individual authorization is represented by a single author; the institutional one is manifested by a group of anonymous writers; the collective one is based on the cooperation of a group of authors. The cognitive rhetorical aspect of authorization is represented on two textual planes: inventive-elocutionary with the contents named by constructions as unities of two or more elements functioning as a whole and dispositional providing for the constructions’ linear patterning in texts. On the inventive-elocutionary plane of the English magazine discourse, linguistic means are represented by constructions entrenched in speakers’ memoryas the unities of form and meaning or form and function. The paper distinguishes two types of constructions: deictic indicating individual authorization and impersonal pointing to the institutional authorship.

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