Mirkunova T. Estimation of the value of innovative technologies of enterprises

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.052.03

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The object of the study is the process of estimation of the value of innovative technologies. The research aims to the improvement of theoretical positions and methodical and applied recommendations of estimation of the value of innovative technologies of enterprises. The author used such methods as: semantic analysis, structural-logical analysis, retrospective analysis, systematic method, methods of generalization, grouping and systematization, abstract-logical method, statistical analysis, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods based on fuzzy sets theory, matrix method, cost method of pricing, graphical method. The theoretical value of the thesis refers to the study of the theoretical principles of estimation of the value of innovative technologies of enterprises. Scientific novelty of the results: the author has proposed a model for estimation of the value of innovative technologies based on the use of fuzzy logic; has improved the conceptual model of estimation of the value of innovative technologies of enterprises; has improved the method of estimation of innovative technologies of enterprises on the basis of the cost estimation approach, which is based on the proposed corrective economic-statistical indicators and corrective indicators of enterprises; has developed a systematic approach to innovation activity development, which consists in substantiation of correlation of stages of innovative activity with systems of strategic knowledge of the current model of innovation process; has developed an approach to pricing for innovative technologies of enterprises has been developed based on the ratio of indicators in the system of value estimation - price – profit. The subject of research are theoretical and methodological and applied frameworks of estimation of innovative technologies of enterprises. Author’s recommendations are used during the improvement of the process of estimation of the value of innovative technologies of enterprises. The sphere for the use of author’s recommendations is revered to enterprises.


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