Hontiuk V. Competence approach in the system of staff potential management of the enterprise

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 11.051.03

Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


Object of the study: processes of human resources management of the enterprise; the purpose of the research: improvement of theoretical and methodological foundations and development of scientific and practical recommendations on management of personnel potential of the enterprise on the basis of competence approach; research methods and equipment: abstract-logical method, method of adjustment and testing of strategic assumptions (SAST), method of historical analysis and theoretical generalization, method of comparison, dialectical method, economic-statistical analysis, expert method and ranking, method of multidimensional modeling, systematic approach, SWOT-analysis, tabular and graphical methods; theoretical and practical results: developed a methodological toolkit for multidimensional modeling of the development of human resources, which is based on the assessment of the competencies of specialists and managers and allows them to be grouped for the formation of priority areas, practical measures and improving the efficiency of human resources management of enterprises; the conceptual and categorical apparatus has been improved by specifying the definition of "personnel potential" as a socio-economic category at the expense of the personal, professional characteristics and capabilities of employees required for effective activity, taking into account the characteristics and goals of the enterprise; proposed methodological support for the assessment of human resources on the basis of competence approach using the developed evaluation criteria, expert method, ranking, consistency of opinions of experts to determine the level of competence of managers and specialists in psychophysiological, vocational qualification, social and labor components; a structural and logical model of human resources development management was developed according to the competence approach, which envisages target, informational content and organizational components and represents a set of systematic and planned measures of human resources development management; reasonable adaptation of the principles of the construction of the DuPont model to deepen factor analysis of profit and loss through the use of personnel indicators, which allows to improve the quality of economic analysis; the model of interrelation of structural elements of human potential and competencies of employees in terms of allocation of competences by psycho-physiological, vocational qualification, social and labor components, which allows to establish criteria of assessment of competences for positions of managers and specialists; the conceptual provisions of applying the competence approach in the system of human resources management have been clarified from the standpoint of distinguishing the following successive stages: competence-oriented formation of staffing; assessment of personnel potential by a competent approach; providing a system of motivational measures for the development of employees' competences; managing the development of human resources, which is focused on the acquisition and enhancement of competences, ensuring career advancement and career planning, taking into account the level of competence of employees; creation of conditions for realization of measures for development of personnel potential; degree of implementation: developments implemented in the practical activities of Main Department of Statistics in Vinnytsia region, СЕ "Vinnytsia Transport Company", PJSC "Infusion", in the educational process of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University; scope: improvement of management of human resources of the enterprise on the basis of competence approach.


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