Oksiuta O. Administrative and legal regulation of the organization of administrative proceedings in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Specialized Academic Board

К 26.503.01

Research Institute of Public Law


The thesis presents theoretical generalization and the new solution to the scientific problem, which is to determine the nature and the features of the administrative and legal regulation of the organization of administrative proceedings in Ukraine, as well as to make proposals and recommendations for improvement of the relevant legislation. The essence, role and significance of the organization of administrative proceedings as an object of administrative and legal regulation have been determined. The description of the principles of administrative and legal regulation of administrative proceedings and a list of them has been provided. The legal principles of the organization of administrative proceedings have been determined and the place of administrative and legal regulation among them has been defined. The role of international legal acts in the system of administrative and legal regulation of administrative proceedings has been established. The peculiarities of administrative and legal regulation of the legal status of the parties to administrative proceedings have been determined. The peculiarities of administrative regulation of mandatory stages of administrative proceedings as the object of administrative regulation have been clarified. The peculiarities of administrative and legal regulation of the organization of optional stages of administrative proceedings as the object of administrative and legal regulation have been established. Foreign experience of administrative and legal regulation of administrative proceedings has been generalized and the possibilities of its using in Ukraine have been determined. The ways of improving administrative and legal principles of regulation of administrative proceedings have been outlined.


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