Petryk N. «Formation of collections of military history attractions in Lviv museums (19th – 20th centuries)»

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 26.00.05 - Музеєзнавство. Пам'яткознавство


Specialized Academic Board

К 32.051.03

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


The dissertation deals with the process of the formation of collections of military history attractions in Lviv museums of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is found that the origin of museum activity in the city was the result of the spread of European collecting traditions among aristocratic Polish families of the city. The stages of the formation of museum establishments specializing in the collection of items of military-historical characters were distinguished. It was noted that in the first stage of the creation of Lviv museums in their collections there were a small number of attractions of military and historical importance. However, already in the first third XX century, the first specialized military-historical expositions were formed in Lviv. In the Soviet period, the main task of the newly opened military and historical exhibitions was to sing the victory of the USSR in World War II. An exception was the Arsenal Museum of Weapons, which displayed eclectic collections of medieval weapons from the former private collections of Prince Lubomirsky, V. Lozynsky, B. Ozhehovich, O. Cholovsky.


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