Khodzhaian A. State regulation of structural and sectoral transformations of the national economy

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.051.04

Chernihiv National University of Technology


The thesis is devoted to developing of conceptual bases for formation and realization of the state policy intended to restructure the national economy of Ukraine. The concept of economic structure, theories of structural transformations in economic systems, methodical approaches to assess the effectiveness of macroeconomic structural shifts are investigated. It’s argued that structure of the economy is a poly-structural entity that reflects the internal form of organization of the economic system and is a complex of internally necessary and stable interconnections between its various structural elements - industries, regions, types of ownership, technological structures, institutional sectors, etc. Generalized assessment of structural changes is carried out using integral indicators and by comparing the existing structure with benchmark indicators that reflect optimal proportions between the elements of the modern economies. Current state and dynamics of structural changes in the Ukrainian economy are analyzed in technological, foreign trade, reproductive and sectoral dimensions. Despite a number of positive structural changes in the period of market transformations, the structure of the Ukrainian economy still does not meet the criteria for effective development because of premature de-industrialization, growing share of agriculture, and decline of innovation activity. International experience and practice of implementing structural policy measures is systematized. Export-oriented re-industrialization policy is argued to be the most effective model of structural reform for Ukraine.


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