Holovanova H. Organizational and economic principles of agricultural enterprises commodity specialization management

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.832.02

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture


The dissertation is devoted to substantiation of organizational and economic principles of management of commodity specialization of agricultural enterprises. The essence, principles and forms of development of specialization of agrarian production are studied. The theoretical bases of construction of mechanisms of management of commodity specialization of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. Methodical approaches to assessing the level of product specialization and the effectiveness of its management in agricultural enterprises have been identified. The tendencies of transformation of commodity specialization of agricultural enterprises are determined. The estimation of production efficiency in agricultural enterprises of different types of specialization is made. Changes in the market conditions of agricultural commodity markets in the management system of specialization of agricultural enterprises are analyzed. Strategic directions of rationalization of commodity specialization and combination of branches of agrarian enterprises are substantiated. The typology of agrarian enterprises has been identified, taking into account the market conditions for the determination of commodity specialization. The organizational and economic principles of managing the marketing activities of specialized agricultural enterprises are substantiated. The conceptual bases of construction of organizational-economic mechanism of commodity specialization management of agrarian enterprise are substantiated, which allows to realize adaptation strategies of development of production and commercial activity due to complex consideration of external and internal environment factors at mobilization of components of production and economic potential, as well as to determine product configuration configuration. in enterprise management. A methodological approach to determining the level of commodity specialization of an agricultural enterprise and the effectiveness of its management based on the combination of basic and additional indicators and indicators characterizing the level of specialization of the enterprise, a clear definition of its types, as well as by evaluating the effectiveness of management of specialization through the prism of the volume of additional product in depending on the growth of production funds. The scientific interpretation of the category "specialization" concerning the production and commercial activity of agrarian enterprises has been developed by identifying it as a specific management object, which characterizes the volume and structure of production and sales of products of the enterprise, the proportion of combination of sectoral directions, as well as the completeness of realization of economic potential. Identification of tendencies of transformation of commodity specialization of agricultural enterprises in the context of prevalence of production of products of the crop industry, as well as determination of reserves for increasing the efficiency of the main activity of agricultural enterprises in the production of livestock products and the implementation of projects on processing of agricultural raw materials.


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