Piven A. Management of the development of integration processes in the activities of agro-industrial enterprises

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.832.02

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture


The thesis generalizes the theoretical generalization and develops a new approach to solving the important scientific and practical problem of substantiation of theoretical, methodological and applied principles of management of integration processes in the management of agricultural enterprises. The typology of integrated structures in the agrarian sphere of the national economy is defined. The organizational and economic mechanism of strategic management of integration processes in the management of development of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. The methodological bases for assessing the efficiency of enterprise participation in integrated agro-industrial associations have been improved. Methodical approaches for monitoring and estimating the level of transaction costs in integrated structures of agro-industrial production are outlined. The peculiarities of marketing interaction of enterprises-participants of integrated structures of agro-industrial production are determined. The regional peculiarities of integration processes in the activity of agro-industrial enterprises are characterized. The principles and instruments of response of enterprises-participants of agro-industrial integration to the use of institutional regulation are grounded. The conceptual bases of construction and functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of strategic management of integration processes in the activities of agro-industrial enterprises are substantiated. in the strategic development of an integrated structure in the context of improving the functioning of its participants. A methodological approach to determining the effectiveness of integrated agro-industrial associations has been developed and tested, based on a combination of estimates of resource utilization, cost recovery and management effectiveness, with further identification of economic growth reserves of the association and participating companies. Methodical principles of monitoring and estimating the level of transaction costs in the integrated integration of agro-industrial enterprises are outlined, which envisage the integrated use of expert assessments, which allows to take into account the results of determining transaction costs when planning the actions of enterprises-participants of integrated enterprises in the management of integration processes. The scientific interpretation of the content of the concept of "integration of agro-industrial enterprises" is substantiated, which is considered as characterizing the process of realization of organizational-economic and organizational-legal relations arising between the enterprises of agro-industrial production and other economic entities, which result in the creation of integrated compounds focused on achieving high levels of economic efficiency and competitiveness through the combination of production, resource and commerce opportunities members of such associations. The organizational principles of creation of integrated structures of agro-industrial production on cluster bases are defined, on the basis of which rationalization of transformational transformations in the sphere of inter-branch exchange is based, structural reorganization and innovative-investment modernization of enterprises-participants of associations, increase of level of economic efficiency and competitiveness.


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