Maiboroda O. Management of marketing and logistical activity of enterprises-subjects of the market of fruits and vegetables

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.832.02

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture


The dissertation is devoted to substantiation of theoretical, methodological and applied foundations of forming a system of management of marketing and logistic activity of enterprises - subjects of the fruit and vegetable market. The prerequisites for forming the marketing and logistic activity of the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market have been identified. The methodical approach to comprehensive evaluation of marketing and logistics management performance in enterprises subject to fruit and vegetable market is substantiated. The peculiarities of forming the system of marketing and logistic activity management in the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market are investigated. The present state of management of marketing and logistic activity in the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market is analyzed. The factors of influence of micro- and macro-environment in forming of the system of management of marketing and logistic activity in the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market are determined. Modeling of marketing and logistics management strategies in the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market is performed. The directions of improvement of management of marketing and logistic activity in the enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market are substantiated. The conceptual bases of construction and functioning of the system of management of marketing and logistic activity of agrarian enterprises in the market of fruit and vegetable products are provided, which envisage a combination of research of marketing environment, marketing tools, decomposition of logistic processes at the stages of harvesting, storage, processing integration into the marketing management of the enterprise of control procedures and the corresponding functional system p ratehichnoho, tactical and operational management and control. A methodical approach to comprehensive evaluation of marketing and logistics management performance in enterprises subject to fruit and vegetable market has been developed and tested, which allows not only to evaluate the economic results of production and commercial activity, but also to correlate them with determining the level of marketing and logistics organization based on a combination of calculation and analytical methods with methods of expert evaluation in the context of finding ways to rationalize the management of marketing and logistics activity. Prerequisites for the development of marketing and logistic activity of enterprises-subjects of the fruit and vegetable market by systematization of objective and subjective reasons for deepening the integration of marketing and logistic tools in the management of the enterprise, taking into account the characteristics of products, market conditions and target market of its sales production and commercial potential of enterprises.


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