The object of the study: processes of personnel behavior managing of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business. The purpose of the study: the development of theoretical and methodological principles and lay-out of the operational guidelines for personnel behavior managing of hotel and restaurant industry. The research methods: inductive approach and science of deduction, analysis of terminology, method of systematization and comparison, semantic method, abstract-logical method, statistical technique of data processing, survey method, method of abstraction, method of grouping and ranking, expert evaluation, system approach, targeted program and complex approach, method of system analysis, statistical method, method of comparison and logical generalization, conflict research, and graphic method. Assessment tool for measuring the impact of internal environmental factors on the personnel behavior managing of hotel and restaurant business was offered for the first time. It allows to set targets, evaluate actions and process sequence at each individual workplace in the context of organizational behavior model and staff attitude to internal influencers on individual, group, organization levels. The tool allows management to diagnose, respond and locally influence the stimulus or behavioral deviations promptly, without involving all managerial effects. Also it allows to predict the level of customer satisfaction with staff behavior, and form managerial decisions. A model of realization system of the personnel behavior management process in hotel and restaurant enterprises was improved. It reflects the specifics of the enterprise and the organizational structure of personnel interaction. The academic and methodological approach to measure the priority of key drivers of personnel behavior management of hotel and restaurant enterprises was accomplished. It provides factors ranking at each basic level of personnel behavior management (including individual, group, organization). The methodical approach to form the behavioral continuum in the hotel and restaurant enterprises activities was updated. It takes into account the indicators of consistency and correspondence of interaction between the capabilities and requirements of the enterprise and staff. The strategies formation matrix for personnel behavior managing of hotel and restaurant enterprises was improved. It can be formed depending on an indicator position of functional behavioral events estimation of the enterprise and an index for assessing the effectiveness of strategic personnel behavior managing. The essence of the concept "the hotel and restaurant business management" was built upon. The general policy system of personnel behavior managing of hotel and restaurant enterprises was supplemented by the notion considering operations peculiarities in a cut of hospitality and identity principles was enhanced. The conceptual and terminological apparatus for defining the essence of the concept "the personnel behavior managing of the hotel and restaurant business" was developed. The outline of the main elements of the institutional environment influence on personnel behavior managing process of hotel and restaurant enterprises was strengthened. It is based on the management system and takes into consideration the subject impact on the object of personnel behavior management, performance indicators. Scope: enterprises of hotel and restaurant business.