Tarabarov S. Balloon dilatation in the surgical treatment of stenosis of the pyloroduodenal zone of ulcerative origin

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.03 - Хірургія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 17.600.01

State Institution “Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry of Health of Ukraine”


The dissertation is devoted to improving the results of surgical treatment of patients with pyloroduodenal stenosis of ulcerative genesis by using isolated endoscopic and combined endolaparoscopic balloon dilatation. The work scientifically substantiates pathogenetic approaches to the treatment of stenosis of ulcerative genesis, taking into account the pressure indicators in the pyloroduodenal zone and the ratio of the factors of aggression and protection in the gastric juice. The developed diagnostic criteria for the selection of patients with the use of the ratio of factors of aggression and protection in gastric juice in combination with manometry along with traditional clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods of examination, make it possible to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and clarify the criteria for selecting patients for a particular tactics of treatment of pyloroduodenal stenosis of ulcerative genesis.


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