Pavlovych O. Formation of mechanism of management professionalization of higher education institution

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.051.11

Odessa II Mechnikov National University


The dissertation provides a theoretical generalization and offers a solution to an important scientific and applied problem, which is to develop conceptual, theoretical and methodological and practical recommendations for the process of forming a mechanism for professionalizing the management of higher education. The obtained scientific results will help to improve the quality of professional management in higher education and achieve the required level of competitiveness. The conceptual basis for the formation of the mechanism of professionalization of higher education institution management has been developed, which is supplemented by interconnected theoretical and methodological components that contribute to the innovative transformation of management to provide quality management support of educational, scientific and innovative activities of higher education. The conceptual basis of formation and development of the institution of higher education as an economic corporation is formed. The special status of the university as an economic corporation must be created by redistribution of state property, on the one hand, and national and international business organizations, relevant research centers and, importantly, world ranking universities and technology parks, on the other hand. There is a need to develop professional management of higher education institutions in order to ensure its quality work in the system of corporate relations. Qualitative forms of managerial activity on the development of corporate financial resources by the management of higher education institutions are proposed. Approaches to development of criteria and indicators of integral quality of use of the mechanism of professionalization of management of institution of higher education are offered. The main modules for evaluating the process of management professionalization are defined and a system of strategic criteria for evaluating the process of professionalization of management of a higher education institution is developed. It is necessary to use also factor system indicators of professionalization of management of higher education institution, which on the basis of expert assessment or self-assessment show certain levels of management effectiveness. A comprehensive method of implementing the mechanism of professionalization of higher education institution management is proposed, which is aimed at creating a quality system of professional management and implementation of conditions to increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions through systematic professional training of management staff. The conceptual basis and strategic conditions of introduction of the complex technique of the mechanism of professionalization of management of an institution of higher education are formed. Scientific approaches to the formation of structural and functional elements of the mechanism of professionalization of higher education institution management are substantiated. The assessment of the integral quality of the process of formation and implementation of the mechanism of professionalization of the management of the institution of higher education is offered.


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