Korus M. Sylvatization of postagrarian ecosystems of the Shatsk Lakeland (conditionality, ecological-phytocenotic features of successions)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 03.00.16 - Екологія


Specialized Academic Board

К 35.257.01

Institute of Carpathian Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The aim of the dissertation is to study a conditionality and ecological-phytocenotic features of post-agrarian ecosystems sylvatization within the Shatsk Lakeland, to define its up-to-date level and dynamics as well as the directions of environmental management optimization on former agricultural lands of the Lakeland, as Ukrainian part of the TBR ''West Polesie''. The object of the study - post-agrarian ecosystems of spontaneous afforestation, which have different levels of transformation. The subject of the study - conditionality and ecological-phytocenotic features of occurrence of post-agrarian ecosystems sylvatization within the Shatsk Lakeland. The novelty of the received results consists in that the features of agricultural lands sylvatization were described for the Shatsk Lakeland for the first time as well as the phenomenon of sylvatization was considered as a component of the formation of State forests in line with reforestation. The modern methods of the Earth Remote Sensing and methods of investigation the ecological parameters of ecosystems were used that allowed one to estimate the up-to-date level and dynamic of agricultural lands sylvatization, characterize the proper ways of economy and nature protected activity optimization within the region. Studies of sylvatization phenomenon within the Shatsk Lakeland allowed one to find out that post-agrarian ecosystems sylvatization was conditioned by socio-economic, historical, and ecological-phytocenotic reasons. It’s been defined that post-agrarian ecosystems afforestation is the form of uplands renaturalization whereas the drained bogs sylvatization displays their further degradation. It was concluded that forest formation may be not only in the form of reforestation, as indicated in the Forest Code of Ukraine, but also by the way of bogs sylvatization. The up-to-date state and dynamic of sylvatization areas of post-agrarian ecosystems of the Shatsk Lakeland have been estimated using methods of the Earth Remote Sensing. It was identified that sylvatization of post-agrarian ecosystems is conditioning the changes of their microclimate as well as morphological characteristics and physicochemical features of their soils. A phytocenotic successions within the post-agrarian ecosystems after suspension of their usage are described as well as probable development paths of these ecosystems. The role of tree species in sylvatization processes within the region is displayed and the features of the formation of a stand of trees are analyzed. It’s been defined that for the conservation of rare plant communities, such as heaths and localities of rare bushies species (Salix lapponum L., Betula humilis Schrank) and herbs, the application of active methods of preservation is necessary. Practical recommendations were proposed for the optimization of nature protected activities within the region.


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