Strilchuk O. Socio-psychological mechanisms of media culture formation of adolescents who have enthusiasm to the Internet

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 19.00.05 - Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.457.01

Institute for Social and Political Psychology NABS of Ukraine


The problem of Internet media culture is analyzed, the Internet media culture of the individual is determined. Types of Internet media culture are defined and described. The socio-psychological content of the phenomenon of Internet enthusiasm is substantiated, its definition is given and the stages of formation are listed. Theoretical analysis of socio-psychological mechanisms involved in the formation of Internet media culture, noted its spontaneous and purposeful nature. The productive and unproductive action of such mechanisms is substantiated. The results of studying the action of socio-psychological mechanisms of media culture formation depending on the level of Internet enthusiasm of adolescents are demonstrated. The peculiarities of activation of these mechanisms depending on the level of Internet enthusiasm and types of Internet media culture are studied. The procedure of development and organization of a socio-psychological experiment on the development of media culture of adolescents who have enthusiasm to the Internet is presented and the main results of its approbation are demonstrated.


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