The thesis is devoted to solving the topical scientific and technical problem of
scientific substantiation and experimental confirmation of providing a qualitatively new
level of imaging the properties of multicomponent powder and composite materials in the
generated acoustic fields due to their control.
As a result of a critical analysis of the current state of the use of acoustic methods
in studying heterogeneous media and carrying out the model experiments, the initial
principles and problems of the practical application of acoustic fields to assess the
properties of multiphase powder and composite materials are formulated. At the same
time, the factors influencing on the results of such an assessment were found, investigated
and systematized by the classes (initial components of the material, technology of its
manufacture, material features, measurement method, sample geometry).
To develop the technology for creating multicomponent powder and composite
materials according to the criteria for achieving certain elastic moduli, the conditions
were formulated to obtain high accuracy in measuring the values of dynamic elastic
moduli, and dynamic elastic moduli were measured in specific materials. At the same
time, the attention is focused on the fact that the most significant errors in measuring the
elastic characteristics of multiphase powder materials are related, first of all, not to the
accuracy of hardware devices, but to the fundamental approaches to their application.
A number of qualitatively new results were obtained concerning the control of
properties (characteristics of elasticity of medical materials, distribution of properties
over the material volume, features of compaction and contact formation processes,
including in anisotropic materials, control over staging, development of technological
modes, etc.).
The methodology developed in this work allows, on the basis of the analysis of the
structural features of the material and the problem being solved by controlling the
acoustic field and the adequate formulation of the experiment, to synthesize acoustic
prediction and control methods, the diagnostic parameters of which have an increased
sensitivity to a specific property, structural features or material defects with any complex
structure. Therefore today they are already used at the Institute of Applied Mathematics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to obtain qualitatively new information
about the structure and real probable values of the properties of powder and composite,
and multicomponent materials, during the development of the technology of their
creation, in the manufacture, certification and operation of products from them, for
comparison and testing of various materials by certain properties. The developments
tested in production conditions have been carried out.
Keywords: powder and composite materials, porous compacts, titanium,
multilayer microlaminate, pseudoalloy, elastic modulus, elastic wave propagation speed,
acoustic methods, non-destructive testing.