In the dissertation it is established that the increase in the power of computer technologies in combination with the growing penetration of the Internet, large databases, etc., significantly changes the nature of work. Innovation of the labor process increases productivity and reduces unit costs. By increasing overall productivity, innovations in ICT allow enterprises, institutions and organizations to produce a certain number of goods and services with less employment, which leads to the possibility of technological unemployment. At the same time, innovations in the ICT process lead to lower unit production costs, which stimulates higher demand for products. In turn, higher demand generates additional production and employment.
Digitization processes have been found to affect the labor market, in particular, the emergence of new and the disappearance of «old» occupations. And at least 3-5 jobs are created for the whole economy; two of them are for highly qualified workers (for example, doctors, lawyers, etc.) and three are for low-skilled workers (for example, waiters, hairdressers, salesmen, etc.). The processes of digitalization significantly affect the course of labor relations and control over the employee's performance of his labor function.
The rapid spread of innovative forms of labor organization is caused by three main prerequisites: (1) technological; (2) socio-economic; (3) institutional.
In Ukraine, digitalization processes significantly affect the course of labor relations and the organization of labor in enterprises, institutions and organizations.In recent years, employers and employees have the opportunity to use electronic workbooks, read orders, notices, other personnel documents through electronic means and conduct electronic document management. Even now, both employees and employers can use such electronic services, which for «one click» will provide the necessary information. The author notes that it is still a matter of concern to ensure the security of such information and to determine the range of persons who will have access to such information, ie who will be the owners and managers of such information.
The dissertation proves that the employer has the right to dismiss a flexible worker for two simultaneous conditions: (1) the employer has determined a fixed working time of more than three hours, (2) the employee is absent from work during this time. without good reason. Absence of an employee at work in shifts is not a violation of labor discipline. If the employer has not set a fixed time for the employee with a flexible regime when he must be at work, then the absence during the whole working day is not absenteeism. However, the employer has the right to reprimand if the employee due to absence from work without good reason did not perform the task assigned by the manager.