Chepizhko O. Management of competitiveness of industrial enterprises in conditions of uncertainty

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 79.051.01

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University


Thesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economical sciences in speciality 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity). – Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv, 2021. The thesis is devoted to development and a scientific substantiation of theoretical and scientific and methodical approaches to perfection of methodical maintenance of management of competitiveness of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine in the conditions of uncertainty. The evolutionary periodization of economic theories of competition and competitiveness was further developed with the selection of four stages of development of theoretical concepts and factors of competitiveness, which were the subject of study in these periods of time. The classical methodical approaches to the study of competition and competitiveness are analyzed and the modern - evolutionary - neoinstitutional approach is singled out. Based on the results of the analysis of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of competition and competitiveness, the most significant properties of the category competitiveness of the enterprise are highlighted, which allowed to clarify the concept of "competitiveness of the enterprise". The main determinants of competitive advantages of industrial enterprises of the countries - leaders of world competitiveness are defined. The component structure of formation of the mechanism of management of competitiveness of the industrial enterprise with allocation of its basic elements which use in the course of management of competitiveness of the enterprise provides effective acceptance of administrative decisions in the conditions of uncertainty is defined. The modern directions of improvement of management of competitiveness of the enterprises of mechanical engineering on the basis of reforming and development of target management systems on the basis of the international standards are defined. The scientific and methodical approach to an estimation of competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of a method of the multidimensional analysis with use of function of desirability is offered. It allows to model process of the coordinated behavior of separate subsystems of the enterprise, to consider communications between them. The system of indicators characterizing the competitiveness of the enterprise and its functional components is specified. A system of organizational and economic measures to improve the management of the competitiveness of industrial enterprises is proposed. A scientific and methodological approach to risk assessment in managing the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise is proposed. Key words: competitiveness, competitiveness management, assessment of enterprise competitiveness, electrical industry enterprises, risk.


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