Borysyuk O. Graph-analytical models of localization of construction projects.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.01.01 - Прикладна геометрія, інженерна графіка


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.056.06

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture


The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of updating the scientific and methodological principles of grapho-analytical modeling in application to the tasks of development support of construction projects, their modeling and adjusting the characteristics of the cycle and environment of project implementation. The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of updating the scientific and methodological principles of grapho-analytical modeling in application to the tasks of development support of construction projects, their modeling and adjusting the characteristics of the cycle and environment of project implementation. The combination of the principles of grapho-analytical modeling with the branch theory of «geometric econometrics» (used as a leading general methodological component of the study), which is combined with administrative methodologies, is determined by a rational way to improve the conceptual-theoretical and methodological basis of graph-analytical and geometric modeling. and reengineering of operating systems of projects and enterprises, with the principles of «smart» management. A graph-analytical model of a new typology and construct – a graph-analytical model of localized support of the DCP cycle (abbreviation GRAM-LS-DCP) has been formed. The model implements a 9-level system of localization of decisions on the cycle and environment of DCP, which will be implemented as an innovative enterprise: from «zero level» – the formation of input data according to DBP to the 9th, «top» level of the model and the DCP design cycle. To ensure compliance of the model with the requirements of adequate reflection of the content of the DBP cycle and the environment of organizations-participants of adequacy, the graphic and calculation-analytical basis of the model was moderated in the direction from single-target to with the advantages of network models «worc-arc», «worc & matrix», «work & top», with attached packages of modern digital and control technologies (BIM-, SADT-, MathCab-modeling). The functional purpose of the model is provided through the integration of separate visual-graphical and analytical case – «locations» – special modules that in the form of branching «graph» and the corresponding analytical matrix will reflect a separate stage and aspect of the cycle characteristics and competitiveness of its leading participants and performers. Key words: graph-analytical models, developer construction project (DCP), localization of DBP support, geometric econometrics, innovative enterprise, graph-analytical model of localization of development construction project support (GrAM-LS-DCP).


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