Stukal O. Constructs of tolerance in the Ukrainian youth minds: empirical research experience.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 22.00.04 - Спеціальні та галузеві соціології


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.229.01

Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The genesis of tolerance concept formation as a social phenomenon and features of tolerance functioning as a basis of social interactions in various sociocultural contexts are researched in the dissertation. It is shown that under modern conditions of societies functioning tolerance is transformed, new forms of its existence are appeared. The conceptual principles of theoretical sociological research of tolerance are outlined, the leading directions of scientific researches are defined. Based on the generalization and systematization of scientific work about the interpretation of tolerance, the epistemological complexity of the concept use, which is caused by the multiplicity of basic functions, levels, types and kinds of tolerance, is indicated. Based on provided analysis of the available achievements of theoretical study and empirical measurements of tolerance and generalization of experience of researches the functioning of tolerant practices in our society, it is proposed the new methodical approach for studying behavioral attitudes which define attitudes to carriers of various displays of otherness, and willingness to interact with them. The methodological rationale of the qualitative methodology choice is carried out in the paper. The functioning of tolerance constructs in the young people minds, in particular student community members, has been empirically researched. The readiness for own manifestation of tolerance and peculiarities of reaction of student youth representatives to manifestations of tolerance in interaction with representatives of various sociocultural groups and ideological orientations are researched.


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