The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of the theoretical, methodical and practical principles of the use of tools for the restructuring of agrarian enterprises in the process of agro-industrial integration. The role and place of restructuring in the system of integration relations of agricultural enterprises is defined. The principles and classification of means and tools for managing restructuring processes are substantiated. Peculiarities of regulatory and legal regulation of restructuring processes of agrarian enterprises are identified. The trends of integration processes in agroindustrial production were identified and their consequences for agricultural enterprises were assessed. An assessment of the economic results of agricultural enterprises involved in the integration processes was carried out. The architecture of the management mechanism for the restructuring of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of agro-industrial integration is substantiated. The research substantiates the conceptual principles of the use of tools for restructuring agricultural enterprises in the process of their participation in the processes of agro-industrial integration, which involve a combination of process-oriented and result-oriented approaches to the organization and assessment of the economic consequences of integration and restructuring processes, relevant organizational changes and shifts in the concentration of capital sub objects of integrated structures. The organizational and methodological approach to managing shifts in the concentration of capital of enterprises participating in integrated structures of agrarian business is substantiated, which involves the formalization of procedures for evaluating strategic alternatives and identifying strategic directions for the development of integration processes in the spheres of production and sales of products, as well as the rational selection of integrator entities with considering the specialization, scale and level of market power of enterprises participating in integrated structures. The principles of implementing anti-crisis management measures in the process of participation of agricultural enterprises in integration processes have been improved, which consist in ensuring the systematic implementation of restructuring measures, assessment of parameters and indicators of capital concentration, changes in the levels of development of production, commercial and economic potentials of integrated structures and subjects of their participants, and as well as forecasting the economic consequences of implementing the specified changes. The dependence between the increase in the level of capital concentration and the increase in the level of economic efficiency of the activities of integrated structures of the agrarian sphere and agrarian enterprises-participants of such associations of various sizes and specializations was determined, with further justification of the methodical approach to establishing relevant restrictions, which is based on the application of modeling tools based on the use of economic - mathematical methods. The possibilities of participation of agricultural enterprises in integration processes, taking into account their specialization, with the aim of increasing the economic efficiency of the work of participating enterprises and creating a synergistic effect by combining various stages of the formation of added value within the integrated structures, have been determined. In the first chapter, the organizational-economic, organizational-management and organizationallegal guidelines for the restructuring of agrarian enterprises, which are involved in the processes of agro-industrial integration, are systematized, the peculiarities of the flow of integration processes in agro-industrial production are determined, and the tools of integration and restructuring of agrarian enterprises are identified. In the second chapter, the trends of participation of agricultural enterprises in the processes of agroindustrial integration are studied, the nature of changes in the functioning of agricultural enterprises that are part of integrated structures is analyzed, and the economic consequences of the use of restructuring tools in the management of integration relations of agricultural enterprises are also determined. In the third section, the architecture and architectonics of the management mechanisms for the restructuring of agrarian enterprises in the implementation of the scenario of the growth of the concentration of production and capital in the process of deepening agro-industrial integration are substantiated, the procedures for the integration of restructuring management systems into the management of the main activities of the agrarian enterprises participating in the integration processes are determined, as well as an assessment of the economic consequences and efficiency of restructuring of agricultural enterprises.