Sierov I. Strategic management of the potential of innovative development of agrarian business entities

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 65.356.02

Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


In the dissertation, a new solution to the complex scientific task of substantiating the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of strategic management of the potential of innovative development of agrarian business entities was obtained. The genesis of the conceptual-categorical apparatus for managing the innovative development of subjects of the agrarian sphere of economy was studied. The place of agricultural enterprises and associations in the ecosystem of innovative development of the national economy is determined. The principles of the application of project management in the implementation of the innovation-investment model of the development of agricultural enterprises and associations are defined. The architecture of mechanisms for managing the strategic potential of innovative development of agrarian business entities is substantiated. The hierarchy of mechanisms for strategic management of the potential of innovative development of agrarian business entities is substantiated, which include a mechanism for harmonizing the goals of innovative development, a mechanism for managing the intensity of innovative activity, as well as a mechanism for motivating the innovative development of agrarian business entities, as well as the realization of competitive advantages that are created on their basis. The structure of the innovative ecosystem of the agricultural sector has been identified as a specific environment where different agents interact throughout the entire innovation cycle from the birth of an idea to its commercialization, which is provided by financial, informational, communication, organizational, personnel and ideational resources, creating favorable conditions for cooperation between participants and sub- objects of agrarian business. The key factors affecting innovationinvestment development have been identified. A methodical approach to substantiation of a portfolio of agro-innovative projects has been developed, which is based on an algorithm for forming a set of relevant projects, which involves the implementation of a number of procedures, namely: evaluation of projects by quantitative and qualitative indicators, coordination of these evaluations, creation of a database of characteristics of selected projects, formation of possible options for portfolios with further identification of the best portfolio taking into account the potential synergistic effect. A scientific interpretation of the definition of "innovative development" has been developed by identifying it as a complex multidimensional process covering various aspects of economic activity, which consists in complicating the system and introducing new ideas, inventions and knowledge into the production and commercial practices of economic relations subjects with the aim of creating qualitatively new characteristics of production, technological and commercial processes and products that did not exist before, which is always progressive in nature, serves as a basis for inclusive and sustainable development, and also produces changes at the institutional level. An organizational approach to the integration of systems of strategic management of innovative development into the management of agrarian business entities has been developed, which is based on the definition of agroinnovations as the systematic introduction into the agricultural sphere of scientific achievements, technical, technological and other innovations that contribute to qualitative and quantitative changes in the interaction of entities agrarian business entities with the biosphere and technosphere, which ensures the sustainable development of the agrarian industry taking into account the ecological state. In thefirst chapter, the genesis of the conceptual and categorical apparatus for managing the innovative development of subjects of the agrarian sphere of the economy is considered, the essential features and methodological principles of the innovative development of subjects of agrarian business are outlined, and the structure is identified and the state of the potential of economic growth and development of agrarian enterprises is identified and about of associations In the second chapter, the place of agrarian enterprises and associations in the ecosystem of innovative development of the national economy is determined, the issue of the formation of the potential for innovative development, sources and tools for its implementation by agrarian business entities is considered, as well as the trends in the formation of mechanisms and the involvement of strategic management tools for the innovative development of the sub of domestic agrarian business entities. In the third section, the use of projectmanagement tools in the implementation of the innovation-investment model of the development of agrarian enterprises and associations is defined.

Research papers

Романюк О. Г., Сєров І. В. Конкурентні стратегії інноваційноінвестиційного розвитку підприємств. Бізнес-Інформ. 2024. №9. С. 25-36

Сєров І. В. Інтеграція інноваційних рішень у стратегію розвитку підприємств аграрного сектору. Енергозбереження. Енергетика. Енергоаудит. №9(199) 2024. С. 105-117.

Сєров І. В. Сталий розвиток агробізнесу через впровадження екоінновацій. Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. 2024. Том 9. № 3. С. 300-303.

Sierov, I. (2024). A methodical approach to assessing the potential of innovative development of agricultural business subjects. Innovation and Sustainability, 4(3), 128-134.

Зубков С. О., Колесник А. О., Сєров І. В. Матричний підхід до імплементації цифрових технологій у цифрову стратегію підприємства. Modeling the development of the economic systems, (3), 8–13.


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