Pokidko M. Pathomorfogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of adhesive disease, basing on determination of individual vascular organism reactance(сlinical and and experimental investigation).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.03 - Хірургія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.003.03


Subject:adhesive desease.Object:the patients with adhesive desease, the disturbance of the collagenogenesis, fibrinolysis, intestinal evacuation, mathematic modeling. The thesis is to devote to the problem of prognosis, prophylaxis and treatment of peritoneal cavity adhesive disease. Methods:clinical, hystologycal, biochemical,ultrastructural, electrophysiological, statistical,. The new conception of the pathogenesis of the adgesion based on the influence of sympathyc regulation to the tissue ischemia as well the disturbance of collagenogenesis and fibrinolysis, proposed. The new methods the prognosis, prophylactic and treatment were inroducid.


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