Feskov O. Diagnostics and treatment endocrine sterility at the women in depending on a status of endometrium

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.01 - Акушерство та гінекологія


Specialized Academic Board



The dissertation is devoted to complex diagnostics of a status of the secretion endometrium at the women with endocrine infertility in natural and stimulation cycles. At patients with endocrine infertility develop hyperplastic processes in endometrium, but at patients with LPD and anovulation the active form proliferative hyperplasia of endometrium, and at patients with PCOS - the superincumbent form proliferative hyperplasia of endometrium is prevails. Depending on an initial status secretion of the endometrium and hormone-immunologic status the methods of preparation these patients to an induction ovulation are developed, the choice of inductor ovulation is proved and the support of secretion transformations in endometrium is determined. The offered approach has allowed to increase percent of approach of pregnancy at the women from 16,7 % in Kb-stimulated cycles and from 26,7 % in metrodin-stimulated cycles up to 50 % at the women with LPD and anovulation and up to 46,7 % - with PCOS.


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