Buchakchiyskaya N. Complex diagnosis and treatment patients with cerebrovascular disease , caused occlusial-stenosic pathologies affects precerebral arteries.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.15 - Нервові хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.613.01

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


The dissertation is devoted to research pathogenetical importanct of endotelium disfunction, processes lipid peroxidation, cerebral hemodinamic,morpfological alteration of resected segments of arteries in development and cource of cerebral ischemic lesion, caused occlusial-stenosic pathologies affects precerebral arteries for elaborat on effectiveness diagnostics and pathogenetical well-founded methods of treatment and rehabilitation patient with various degrees ischemic vascular lesion of after surgical correction precerebral arteries . It was speculated that histological investigation of part of precerebral arteries after surgical correction and problem of after treatment are differentially formulated. The comparative analysis of the remote results of surgical and conservative treatment of patients with occlusive lesion precerebral arteries has shown that the surgical treatment combined with the special programme of rehabilitation action allows receiving good and satisfactory result than only conservative therapy. in patients with cerebral ischemic lesion in dependence of characte appointed therapy The research of clinical efficiency of the combined therapy with use instenon at patients with various degrees ischemic vascular disease of brain, caused atherosclerosis stenosis brachiocephalic arteries is carried out(spent).


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