Kudin A. Physical features and defects of structure in binary phosphides А2В52 and А3В5

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 01.04.10 - Фізика напівпровідників і діелектриків


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.199.02

V. Lashkaryov Institute of semiconductor physics


This Thesis is about physical process in binary phosphides А2В52 and А3В5 for irradiation with high-energy particles and devises methods of control crystal's structure and their characteristics. For each compound integrated approach was applied. It includes: engineering technology of obtaining crystals with specified characteristics (structure, form, polarity of conductivity, doping level etc.); research of structure (radiographic, goniometric, mass-spectrometric, computer visualization, method EPR-probe, positron annihilation); study of physical characteristics (micro-mechanical, electrical, optical, fluorescentical etc.) Basic on obtained results was devised a method of making new devices and improvement characteristics of being structure. In Thesis processing control methods features structure of crystals А2В52 (modification, super lattice, habitues, twinning etc.) was proposed; conception of structure main biographic and radiation-induced defect of crystals А2В52 was devised; mechanisms of thermaland radiation modification structure of lattice and defects in binary phosphides was studied; determinate role of nitrogen and oxygen in radiation proceeding of lattice damage. Application of complex processing gives possibility to devise methods of: making sensors, heterostructures and other devices on basis of crystals А2В52; improvement of quantum yield of LED on basic of gallium phosphide


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