Moskalenko T. Peculiarities of pathogenesis, clinical manifestation and manegment of metabolic type of fetoplacental insufficiency

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.01 - Акушерство та гінекологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.600.02

Odessa National Medical University


Dissertation is dedicated to one of the updated perinatology problems concerning decreasing the number of pregnancy complications in pregnant women with various types of fetoplacental insufficiency. The study included definition of new elements of pathogenesis, evaluation of monooxygenasal systems state in conditions of pathologic pregnancy course and under the influence of tobacco smoking and development of effective diagnostic, treatment and prevention procedures. Peculiarities of clinical semiotics and course of fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women were specified. It was shown that the type of fetoplacental insufficiency developing in smoking pregnant women is metabolic type. A diagnostic criterion for metabolic type of fetoplacental insufficiency development was defined basing on the dynamics of changes occurring in microsomal oxidation activity. Kidney function in pregnant women with fetoplacental insufficiency was studied. The original methodic for definition of testosterone content inerythrocytes was developed. Pathogenetic grounds were provided for the method of early diagnosis of fetoplacental insufficiency by antipirin definition in saliva and urine of pregnant women. Were implemented methods of fetoplacental insufficiency prevention by the use of bio-active supplement yantarin and by delivery route specification.


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