Goncharuk S. Clinical and pathogenetic substantiation of complex application of physical factors in rehabilitation therapy of children with bronchial asthma

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.33 - Курортологія та фізіотерапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.608.01


A new approach to complex application of physical factors in rehabilitation therapy of children with bronchial asthma (BA) was devised in the dissertation proving for their division into basic (constituting the basic therapy) and adjunct (administered according to their dominating therapeutic effect with combination of different exposure areas) groups. The follow-up of 427 children ill with BA proved efficacy of new therapeutic complexes, developed on the basis of this approach, with the application of artificial medium of the saline aerosol, normobaric hypoxitherapy, inhalations of aqueous solution of the preparation "Mumije-Vitas", influences of arsenide-gallium laser radiation and interferential currents on the spleen. There were isolated priorities for optimization of complex application of physical factors in children with BA in remission on the basis of the study of the role of different induction and trigger factors in development of exacerbations depending on degree of severity, remoteness of the onset and patients' age.The experimental studies (268 Wistar white rats) allowed to find the activation peculiarities of the immunocompetent organs (thymus and spleen) under the influence of laser radiation with different wave length (helium-neon and arsenide-gallium laser) as well as to optimize the terms of complex administration of the artificial microclimate of the saline aerosol with other therapeutic physical factors. There were devised the main theses of the conception of physical factor administration in rehabilitation treatment of children with BA (tasks, algorithm of physician's actions, principles) and monitoring scheme for BA course in children, which allow to standardize the scope of the administered diagnostic and therapeutic measures while making up long-term individual plans of rehabilitation treatment.


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