Shapoval M. The homeostasis systems state during pregnancy, labor and puerperium in women drug-users

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.01 - Акушерство та гінекологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.600.02

Odessa National Medical University


The dissertation deals with the investigation of central and regional hemodynamic system, hemostasis. hormonal, feto-placental homeostasis state in women drug-users, along with the bacterial and immune factors role in the obstetrical complications, placental insufficiency (PI), fetal growth retardation syndrome development (FGRS) and their differential treatment methods workout. It has been found that obstetrical complications. PI and FGRS development pathomechanisms includes central and uterine-fetal-placental circulation disorders, which appear on the background of trombophilic states, antiphosphoiipid syndrome development, feto-placental hormones production level decrease, infectious diseases and FPC perinatal infeclioning high level. The use of the differential treatment lines for the hemostasis state (Fraxiparine) and utero-placento-fetal circulation state (Mildronate) correction helps the placental insufficiency and fetal chronic hypoxia complex therapy effectiveness increase, that manifests inFPC morpho-functional state figures improveness, and decrease of obstetrical complications, preterm labors rate. FGRS and newborn morbidity.


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