Tananakina T. Characteristics of interconnections of rhythmic activity of cardio-vascular, respiratory and central nervous system in industrial area population

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.04 - Патологічна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board



The thesis is devoted to the essential problem - the study of the interrelations and coherence in the regulatory mechanisms of certain chains of respiratory-hemodynamic and central nervous systems, systems that form homeostasis, in population of industrial area with different chronotype at the state of real-time rest (current organism functional state). Electrophysiological methods and methods of multifactorial statistical analysis were used in the work. For the first time the studies of current organism functional state was carried out in the wide age range of practically healthy people from industrial area population, in which relationships between dynamic components of the work of central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems were characterized by means of spectral analysis of studied systems' rhythms variability in simultaneous and continuous registration of their parameters in real time. Gender and age differences in the spectrum structure of studied rhythms were pointed out. The analysis of correlation dependences between spectral components of variability of corresponding rhythms was carried out. The dependence of central nervous system level activity and vegetative homeostasis parameters on chronotype was shown in the group of industrial area inhabitants. New theoretical view points on the correlations between brain rhythmic activity and vegetative systems and the problem of evaluation of initial organism adaptive abilities were proposed in the process of investigation. The concept of new methodical approaches to comparative analysis of rhythmic activity of simultaneously during 8 minutes at the state of calm rest registered electrophysiological parameters of the main physiological systems was proposed. The proposed approach to statistical analysis of the main physiological systems rhythmic activity interconnections during short period (5-10 minutes) allows to determine the type assignment of these interconnections, which may serve as the basis for monitoring of the initial organism functional state. The performed study shows that simultaneous registration of electroencephalogram, cardiointervalogram and pneumogram during several minutes at the state of calm rest allows to establish the correlation intercoupling of the main physiological systems: central nervous and respiratory-hemodynamic. As the result the obtained parameters may be used for the characteristics of individual norm in relation to age and gender. The obtained results may be used for the evaluation of biological rhythms, i.e. chronotype.


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