The research object: the process of forming of socio-economic mechanism of personnel management efficiency, the purpose of work: studying theoretical and methodological fundamentals and the complex of methodical support of forming of socio-economic mechanism of personnel management efficiency; research methodology and apparatus: the dialectical method, structural and logical analysis, statistical analysis, graphics, surveys, expert assessments, multivariate factor analysis, cluster analysis, taxonomic, regression analysis; theoretical and practical results: first: proved the theoretical and methodological approach to the forming of socio-economic mechanism of personnel management efficiency; the concept of personnel management efficiency is developed; the model of multilevel management; the hierarchical structural model is built based on an integrated approach that includes economic, social, innovative-investment, organizational and the proposed efficiency of intellectualization of labor; provided such components of organizational support of forming of socio-economic mechanism of personnel management efficiency: strategic software and integration block; improved: the socio-economic paradigm of personnel management of enterprises; scientific and methodical approach to estimate the impact of the formation and use intellectual capital in the sales volume of industrial production; methodical approach to assessing the level of personnel management efficiency based on the definition of quantitative indicators and those which are measured by means of expert evaluation methods, as well as influencing factors; methodical approach to assessing the level of intellectual capital development on enterprises; approach to build an organizational culture, based on a principle of hierarchical structure; was further developed: a theoretical interpretation socio-economic content of categories "personnel management ", "intellectual capital", the tools of ensuring the personnel management efficiency; methodical support intellectualization of labor based on the scientific and theoretical foundations of knowledge management as a basis for personnel management efficiency; object matter and degree of implementation: design introduced in practical activities of the Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers, Ukraine Ministry of Industrial Policy, the General Directorate of industry, transport and communication, and Chief economy management of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, OJSC "KEVPP №1", State-owned Enterprise "HEDB", CJSC Yuzhkabel Works, SE Aviakon; scope of use: forming of socio-economic mechanism of personnel management efficiency on engineering enterprises.