Bezrukov O. Hygienic Aspects of Origin of Thyroid Diseases in the Crimean Region, Their Prevention and Treatment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.02.01 - Гігієна


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.604.01


The thesis deals with actual problems of etiology, prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders in population of AR of Crimea. Geoinformation mapping with cartography of iodine and microelement supply of soils and water in Crimea were used. Three types of territory with different disease incidence were distinguished with establishing the causes of occurrence of goitrous pathology. Mapping of the thyroid pathology according to nosologic forms was made. Conclusions were made as for structural and dynamic features of the Crimean population morbidity for the last 12 years. The most dangerous pathology is nodular goiter occurring both as an independent disease and against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis or in the form of adenomas of thyroid gland. The relative stability of this pathology for a long period of time allows to draw the conclusion that the main etiologic cause of its occurrence is geobiochemical factors, and, above all, iodine deficiency in drinking water and foodstuffs. An algorithm of microcarcinoma treatment has been elaborated. New approaches to management of pre- and postoperative regimen for these patients were proposed, as well as new techniques for draining wounds after thyreoidectomy. With the purpose of edema and pain control in the post-operative period, the use of L-lysine-escinate preparation was proposed. For early post-operative rehabilitation of patients a complex of exercise therapy was worked out. For prevention of microelement deficiency and treatment of patients with thyroid nodes, "barba-iodine" preparation was used with positive effect


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