Kebkalo A. Usage of cellular and tissue transplants in complex treatment of the patients with pancreonecrosis (clinical experimental research).

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.03 - Хірургія


Specialized Academic Board



Dissertation deals with the problem of the treatment of the patients with necrotic pancreatitis using cellular and tissue technologies. The purpose of the research concerns the resolution of the problem of increasing efficiency of the complex treatment of the pa-tients with pancreonecrosis by systemic and local stimulating the reparation regeneration processes with intravenous administration of cord stem cells and cryopreserved cord tis-sue local transplantation. Complex treatment of the patients with pancreonecrosis using minimal invasive interventions under the ultrasonic control and cellular and tissue tech-nologies lead to: 1.65 fold (p<0.05) increase of the cured patients percentage registered at the first stage with no open operative interventions, 1.47 fold (p<0.05) reduction of the in-patient stay duration compared to the control group figures. The second stage of the operative treatment was delayed and it gave an opportunity for a more successful surgery, mortality in the basic group was 2.06 (p<0.05) fold less than in the control group, postop-erative stay was 1.83 (p<0.05) fold less in the basic group of the patients. There were no transplant rejection reaction and no anaphylactic reactions. Mean stay in the control group was 48.1 %, in the basic group - 24.7%.


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