Trushkevich O. The rehabilitation of the reproductive function amongst females with hyperprolactinemia

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.01 - Акушерство та гінекологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.600.02

Odessa National Medical University


The dissertation was aimed to decrease the prevalence and severity of the reproductive health disorders, complications of I trimester of pregnancy amongst girls and females with hyperprolactinemia by the studies of clinical, functional, endocrinological, biochemical and morphological peculiarities as well as by the development and implementation of the algorithm of the diagnostic, curative, preventive and rehabilitative interventions. There were determined the main factors of the risk of the occurrence of pituitary microprolactinomas amongst girls of pubertate age. It was stated that the endocrinological status of the girls with pituitary microprolactinomas is characterized with the prevalence of low-molecular prolactin (96-100%) in the total pool, as well as with decreased levels of FSH, LH and progesteron and simultaneously increased levels of Cortisol and DHEA-S. The role of the ratio of prolactin fractions was showed for the determination of the clinical manifestations of pituitary microprolactinomas in puberty. There were determined the symptoms which are characteristic for the girls with pituitary microprolactinomas. The analysis of the expression of the receptors to estrogens, progesteron and prolactin amongst females with hyperprolactinemia dependently on the ratios of prolactin fraction was performed. There was developed the algorithm of the differentiated treatment of pituitary microprolactinomas in the ubercy and its clinical effectiveness was demonstrated amongst the females of reproductive age


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