Object of research: processes, conditions, patterns of functioning and development of the domestic market with fruit producers in all categories of farms, the network of wholesale and retail consumers of fruit products. Objective: scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological principles and applied aspects of the functioning and development of the domestic market of fruits to ensure their optimal use (through domestic production and imports objectively necessary), affordability for consumers and increase export potential. Methods: dialectical, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, group, index, monographic, questionnaire, structurally-rated, balance, mathematical modeling and extrapolation of time series decomposition. The author has generalized the theoretical views on the evolution of the inland fruits market during different historical and economic periods, detected its sense and structure. She has substantiated the propositions about the market improvement and systematization of its state regulation and elucidated the main principles of its conjunction investigation methodological security. The pretender has detected in detail the problems of the demand, proposition and price formation, insurance, of the products competity, economic effectivity of the fruits production by enterprises of different types and perspectives, of their development, of the fruits foreign trade as well as established the necessity of the revision of the consumption standards for the fruits which are not produced in Ukraine. The theoretical and methodical support of the proposition and demand prediction has been extended taking into consideration the season component. The dissertant has grounded the prediction and strategy of the market development directed to the insurance of the fruits optimum consumption, import substitution and rise of their export potential. The strategy economic and investment valuation has been carried out. The methods of the horticultural branch financial support have been proposed. Scientific novelty of the results is a complex justification of theoretical, methodological approaches and practical recommendations to improve the functioning and development of the domestic market fruit.