The thesis is the first attempt to systematically ground theoretical and methodological bases of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness. The insight is provided into the concept of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness. It offers the elaborated and substantiated theoretical model of pedagogical system of purposeful forming future philologists’ professional subjectness. The future philologists’ professional subjectness is viewed as the professionally integrative quality, which is demonstrated by means of formed conviction as to the personal readiness and ability to actively, individually, independently, creatively and autonomously arrange and solve professional tasks, adopt creative solutions in non-standard situations, anticipate positive and negative outcomes in line with adopted solutions, for obtaining new experience in producing the important functional outcome, necessary for the successful preservation and learning different languages with the aim of their development and enrichment, perception of the spiritual culture of humanity, dissemination of the achievements of national and global culture. The future philologists’ professional subjectness is a construct, which includes five components, in particular, actualizing-and-evaluative, constructive-and-contensive, subjective-and-operational, resultative-and-competency-based and reflexive. The present thesis substantiated the pedagogical system of purposeful forming future philologists’ professional subjectness, which is based on the systemic-and-synergetic, competency-based, axiological, acmeological, learner-centered, participative-and-interactive approaches; contains conceptual-and-propaedeutic, contensive-and-procedural, resultative-and-evaluative and verificatory components. The thesis suggests the concept of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness through hierarchization of main provisions of theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. The concept of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness includes four interrelated concepts, namely: theoretical, methodological, contensive and technological ones. Based on the conceptual ideas of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness determined by the structure and content of the phenomenon, the theoretical model of the system of purposeful forming future philologists’ professional subjectness was developed, comprising the following components: conceptual-and-propaedeutic, contensive-and-procedural, resultative-and-evaluative and verificatory. The factors and impact mechanisms for forming future philologists’ professional subjectness are researched aiming at defining pedagogical conditions as the educational system modeling background. To hierarchized totality of pedagogical conditions of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness we refer: creation of the IT methodical environment for future philologists’ professional training based on the implementation of the competency-oriented approach; activation of motivation-and-value-based foundation of forming professional philological competency; design of professional philological training aimed at the freedom of expressing the individuality of a student-philologist as the central agent of the educational process; constant-and-cyclical reflection of the dynamics result in terms of its dichotomous understanding manifesting both: its professional subjectness and the level of professional philological competency. Methodological support of implementing purposeful forming of future philologists’ professional subjectness is elaborated, including scientific and methodological support for teachers and the IT methodical environment for future philologists’ professional training. The implementation of the relevant scientific and methodological support into the educational process provided effectiveness of the authoring system, which had some positive impact on the organization and improvement of the educational process from the standpoint of forming future philologists’ professional subjectness, harmonization of traditional and innovative training technologies, implementation of interactive forms and methods, use of IT-based training. Diagnostics tools were developed to determine the levels of formedness of future philologists’ professional subjectness. While applying the complex methods of diagnostics in practical work with students of experimental and control groups it was established that the level of formedness of future philologists’ professional subjectness (component-wise) in accordance with the defined criteria at the beginning of the experiment was fairly homogeneous, thus, the groups’ similarity is confirmed which became a sufficient and verifiable reason to start the forming stage of the experiment (implementation of pedagogical impacts) in the experimental group.