Ishcheikin K. Political and legal basis of participatory budgeting in the system of democratic practices: world experience and Ukraine.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 23.00.02 - Політичні інститути та процеси


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Д 26.236.01

Institute of State and Law. V.M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The preconditions of increasing the importance of citizen participation in modern political processes and the emergence of new tools for involving citizens in decision-making processes, in particular participatory budgeting, are considered. It is shown that the theoretical basis of the new model of participation lies in the concepts of participatory and deliberative democracy, but in practice it began to be widely implemented since the beginning of the XXI century. The evolution of this phenomenon, the prerequisites that contributed to its implementation (the growth of democratic deficit, crisis tendencies in public administration, decentralization


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