Chayka L. Typology of Verbal Conflictsin the English Language Discourse

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 10.02.04 - Германські мови


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.054.04


The thesis focuses on determining, classifying and analyzing pragmatic, communicative and functional features of verbal conflicts in the English language discourse. The theoretical ground of the research rests on the main principles of modern pragmalinguistics, communicative and functional linguistics, speech acts theory and discourse theory. The paper applies a number of general investigative and specific linguistic methods, i.e. description as well as discourse, pragmatic, contextual, structural and functional, contextual, quantitative analyses. Thisthesispresents the complex analysis of verbal conflicts (VK) in the English language discourseas the peripheral aspect of human communicative activity. The term verbal conflict is considered to be a violation of the interpersonal speech interaction, in which one of the communicants does not understand the other one fully or partially, negatively treats his/her manner of speech behaviour, verbal-cognitive base or the signs used in the act of communication. The formulation of the problem is based on the conviction that social, cultural, ethnic affiliation of the communicant and his/her mental state require certain forms of expressing intentions. Linguistic units and structures can manifest suchan affiliation, or they are potentially capable of its manifestation, that in certain contexts of any level leads to the disruption of the social communicative process. The paperre searches how and to what extent the internal system of language is capable of manifestingthe extralinguistic aspects of human commu nication activity, leading to violation ofthe communication process. The thesis focuses on determining the place of the VK problem in the system of linguistic and humanitarian disciplines, including historical interpretation in the theoreticallinguistic and methodological contexts.The paper describes socio-and psycholinguistic factors causing verbal conflicts, viewssign deformations as an intralinguisticgroup of conflictogenic factors serving as a catalyst for communicative disorders. The thesis analyzes mechanisms of VK proceeding and overcoming, their functionality and typology.

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