Mykoliuk O. Managing Energy Security at the Enterprise.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 70.052.01

Khmelnytskyi National University


The thesis scientifically justifies the author’s methodological, theoretical, methodical and scientifically applied principles of energy security management at enterprises. It systematizes scientific concepts of the content and essence of security as a general scientific category and justifies its connection with the category of energy security. It defines the main approaches to its understanding. It studies the origins, content and importance of energy security at the enterprise. It determines the factors and threats to energy security at the enterprise. It determines the priorities in the development of machine-building enterprises based on the introduction of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources. It substantiates the system of methodical tools for the diagnostics of energy security at machine-building enterprises. It analyzes methodical approaches to the diagnostics of the environment within which industrial enterprises operate. It offers the scientific and methodical approach to the diagnostics of energy security at the enterprise. It elaborates the matrix for choosing the strategy, which will increase the level of energy security at machine-building enterprises. It presents the author’s scientific and methodological approach to regulating the energy efficiency policy of socio-economic systems under the requirements of the European economic space based on the institutional theory. It analyzes the author’s system of classification of energy security components at machine-building enterprises. It proposes the author’s scientific and methodological approach to choosing strategies for managing energy security at enterprises, as well as the author’s scientific and methodical approach to determining the integral index of energy security. It specifies the system of energy efficiency indicators for the consumption of fuels and energy resources. It clarifies the structure of energy security management at enterprises. The thesis presents the author’s system of components and indicators for assessing energy security at enterprises. It elaborates the applied principles for building predictive models of energy security levels at enterprises. It justifies the use of scenario-oriented approach to identifying the priority components of energy security at enterprises. It develops the structural and logical model for assessing and predicting the level of energy security at the enterprise. It offers the scientific and methodical approach to choosing a strategy for enhancing energy security at machine-building enterprises and determines the areas in the assessment of its performance. The thesis suggests a hierarchical model for determining the most significant indicators of impact on the level of energy security at the enterprise, which, in addition to regulating the priority-related impact on the level of energy security at the enterprise, will make it possible to predict individual variations in the future. It assesses the strategy for enhancing energy security in certain areas. It determines strategic vectors for enhancing energy security at machine-building enterprises. It concludes that the elaboration of an adequate and effective strategy for enhancing energy security at the enterprise involves analyzing theoretical, methodological, functional and organizational issues. Based on the obtained results, the thesis shows how practical solving of the tasks aimed at successful assessment and enhancement of energy security at the enterprise and the organization of measures aimed the implementation of the corresponding enterprise strategy were reflected in their practical activity. The thesis proposes relevant recommendations for enhancing energy security at machine-building enterprises. It also employs the economic and mathematical dynamic modelling, graph theory and scenario-oriented approach.


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