Pogorelenko N. Scientific and methodological basis for ensuring the financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.08 - Гроші, фінанси і кредит


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.883.01

Banking University


The thesis is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations, the development of methodological approaches and practical tools to ensure the financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is a comprehensive study of the theory, methodology and practice of ensuring the financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine and the further development of the issue of essential understanding, conceptual apparatus, evaluation systems, composition of indicators, determination of determinants, conceptual provisions and mechanism for ensuring the financial stability of the banking system (FSBS). The essential understanding of the concept of «banking system» is defined in the context of systematic analysis and sectoral division of the economy, which will facilitate the development of adequate regulatory measures to ensure the FSBS. The FSBS conceptual apparatus has been developed, which should be understood as a long-term ability to maintain a stable equilibrium, effectively perform functions, continuously develop, counteract disturbing factors and risks, provided that the input and output financial flows are coherent. The provisions and statements that formulate the FSBS concept and take into account the structural organization of the banking system, its ability to return to a stable state, the time criterion and formulate a streamlined approach to ensuring its financial stability are formalized. The FSBS provisioning toolkit has been systematized, which will create the basis for selecting and applying such a combination of tools that most closely meets the goals, current conditions and priorities of the FSBS provision. It is suggested to use the process-flow approach to the study of FSBS provision, according to which it should be determined on the basis of changes in the parameters of input and output financial flows that represent the movement of financial resources over time in the process of their formation, distribution and use. the use of which will allow to take into account in the assessment all structural components of the banking system and to identify in advance potential threats of loss of financial stability. The methodological approaches to the formation of the concept of providing the FSBS are substantiated, the theoretical and methodological basis of which allows to develop the methodological and analytical tools for providing the FSBS. Critical analysis of methodological approaches and models of FSBS estimation is carried out, which showed the existence of significant differences between the obtained estimates and indicators of the actual state of the banking system. A differentiated approach to FSBS estimation is developed, which is based on distinguishing differences between components of the banking system in terms of characteristics directly of their stability and central bank influence on FSBS in general. The process of determining the level of FSBS has been improved, which makes it possible to evaluate it comprehensively and objectively. The macroeconomic determinants of the FSBS collateral, which represent the deposit interest rate in the currency, the exchange rate, the consumer price index and the amount of gold and foreign exchange reserves, are determined. The influence on the financial stability of the subject factor is proved, which confirmed the thesis about the difficulty of linking quantitative factors of individual banking groups with the final financial result of the banking system. The key directions of development of state-owned banks in the context of providing FSBS are analyzed, which led to the necessity of setting such target parameters that will provide the optimum level of efficiency and contribute to the achievement of FSBS. Targeted performance parameters of state-owned banks to provide the FSBS of Ukraine, which make it possible to make decisions on adjusting the input indicators of activity in order to increase the efficiency and investment attractiveness of state-owned banks. The methodological bases for determining the balance of input and output financial flows in the FSBS security system have been developed, which allow to specify the periods of balance / imbalance of input and output financial flows, to adjust the dynamics of the components of the general investigated series. The paradigm of organizational and economic mechanism of providing FSBS has been formed, which combines methodological, organizational-instrumental, informational-analytical, methodological support and in directing their actions to ensure the ability of the banking system to maintain the state of financial equilibrium, withstand the negative influence of external and internal factors, and neutralize trends, effectively perform their functions.


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