Velychko V. Theoretical and methodical principles of the use of free software in the training of pre-services teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти
  • 13.00.10 - Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології в освіті


Specialized Academic Board

Д 12.112.01

The State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"


Object: process of professional training of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science in higher education institutions; Objective: Theoretical substantiation, development and experimental verification of the system of application of free software in the preparation of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science; methods: analysis of scientific literature and normative documents, synthesis and generalization, modeling, observation, questioning, conversations, control tests and tasks, rating, intelligence, ascertainment and formative experiment, statistical; scientific novelty: first developed for the first time theoretically substantiated and developed system of application of free software in preparation of future teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics as an open holistic hierarchical set of interacting components that provides realization of the process of formation of informative competence of future teachers of mathematics, factors that contribute to or impede the use of free software in the preparation of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science; conditions for effective use of free software in the training of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science are determined; technology of teaching of informative disciplines with application of free software is developed; the concept of free software as a result of the collective activity of the information society, which can be used to increase the level of various competences and acquire new knowledge and skills, to carry out modifications for own and public needs, to transfer and distribute as a voluntary contribution to the common cause original and modified versions, empowering the community to benefit from the changes that have been made; the concept of informative competence of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science, provided the use of free software; the concept of didactic efficiency of application of free software in the preparation of future teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics; selection of free software using information processing technologies; the educational-methodical complex "Open information systems of education" was drawn up taking into account the peculiarities of the use of free software in educational activity; the manual "Open information systems of education: a textbook" was published; developed distance learning support courses “Application of free software in educational activities” and “Information and communication technologies by means of free software”; made methodical recommendations for the courses "Programming Technologies", "Modern Information Technologies in Education"; The annual All-Ukrainian Internet Conference “E-Learning Technologies” was launched with the publication of the scientific electronic publication “E-Learning Technologies”.


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