Ohоrodnyk V. Financing of housing construction in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.08 - Гроші, фінанси і кредит


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.883.01

Banking University


The thesis represents theoretical generalization and offers new solution to a vital scholarly issue, i.e. determining preconditions, outlining theoretical and methodological ground, improving scientific methodological approaches and developing practical recommendations concerning social and economic efficiency of the state-owned banks functioning and development in Ukraine. The paper uncovers theoretical background of the banks’ activities in general and state-owned banks in particular, their essential characteristics, the state-owned banks common and distinctive features compared with other types of banks. In addition, the state-owned banks functions are stratified into general and specific. Particular attention is focused on the principles of the state-owned banks functioning. The paper also outlines the factors influencing the state-owned banks development within the banking system of the country. The thesis offers the state-owned banks classification which corresponds to the optimal set of classificatory characteristics (among which the most significant ones are the nature of the bank’s specialization, specific features of the bank’s reorganization, the bank’s financial state, its corporate management, its functional mission) and can motivate the banks to choose efficient solutions within modern strategies in terms of the global current managerial framework. It is proved that a significant part of the state property in the banking system has both positive and negative consequences for the economic system of the country. The research also contains methodological principles used to study the state-owned banks functioning. Grounding on the systemic approach, the role of state-owned banks in the country’s socio-economic development is identified. The use of this approach makes it possible to distinguish economic and social indices which characterise the position of the state-owned banks in the socio-economic development of the country. Methodological principles applied to the evaluation of the state-owned banks social and economic efficiency under the conditions of their transformation are based on the algorithm which among other points discussed includes the assessment level, socio-economic efficiency triggers, evaluation methods and indices, factors of influence, socio-economic effects, and vectors of their potential improvement. In addition, the mechanism for boosting financial interaction between the state-owned banks and non-financial corporations is disclosed which represents the unity of directions and methods in cooperation between the economic entities discussed, based on the outline of advantages and risks of such interaction, its principles and expected results of implementation. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the state-owned banks role in the domestic banking system development and offers a unique periodisation of the Ukrainian banking system development, depending on the state share in the bank capital. Also, common questions which arise in the course of the state-owned banks activities are found out. The thesis provides a detailed assessment of the current tendencies in the Ukrainian state-owned banks functioning (in comparison with the private capital banks) and the main performance indicators of Oshchadbank, Privatbank, Ukreximbank, Ukrgasbank, which allows to single out the issues inherent in the banks under study within the following directions: legislation, methodology, human resources, information technologies, integrity, analytics, and organisational structure. Considering the state-owned banks loan-investment activities in Ukraine, factors restricting their development are determined, which include the presence of a significant volume of non-performing loans in the bank portfolio, economic factors influencing the increase of non-performing loans, high cost of loan resources, difficulty in obtaining loans for small and medium business, ineffective judicial and law enforcing systems failing to protect the rights of creditors, etc. The study also clarifies the factors boosting the emergence of non-performing loans in the state-owned banks. Moreover, the research carries out a comparative analysis of the state-owned banks activities in Ukraine and all over the world, the result of which is the outline of the factors necessary for the further effective development of the banks under discussion. Finally, the thesis focuses on the current issues and specific features of the domestic state-owned banks strategies and offers recommendations for their further improvement. The paper also outlines directions of the state-owned banks activities reform and provides a perspective on minimising the state property share in the banking system of Ukraine. Furthermore, structural components of the domestic state-owned banks social responsibility concept are distinguished, and major vectors of their implementation are singled out.


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