Onyshchuk I. Theoretic-methodical bases of PEI future educators’ self-expression development of culture in artistic activity.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 20.051.01

Kolomyia Educational-Scientific Institute The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The study developed and substantiated theoretical and methodical bases of PEI future educators’ self-expression development of culture in artistic activity (unity of methodological, theoretical and methodological concepts). The unity of systemic, active, personally oriented, axiological, cultural and competent approaches is provided in the organization of artistic activity. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the culture of self-expression of future preschool educational institutions educators in artistic activity are distinguished and substantiated: the development of a positive «I-concept», value self-attitude; enrichment of filling with positive content of interpersonal interaction in the system «teacher – student – student», stimulation of positive motivation for expression in artistic activity; modeling of the content of art education on the basis of an integrated approach, harmonious combination of individual and collective forms of its organization, application of tasks of reproducing and creative nature; ensuring in teaching disciplines of professional training of artistic and aesthetic orientation of the balance between creative, productive, value-semantic and spiritual components; the forms of methods and techniques of effective development of the culture of self-expression of PEI future educators in artistic activity are defined. The structure of the investigated phenomenon (cognitive, emotional and valuable, behavioral components) and the content of the process of preparation of future PEI educators for self-expression in artistic activity aimed at actualization of independence as part of professional activity and activation of personal culture are revealed. Criteria, indicators and types of culture of self-expression were worked out: spiritually oriented, personal, subjective, basic and destructive.


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