Syanislavyk O. Ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex of the national economy: theory and methodology

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.051.11

Odessa II Mechnikov National University


The research is devoted to the formation of a conceptual base and scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological basis, methodical provisions and recommendations for ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex of the national economy, which will increase the level of competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the industry, taking into account the multi-component element. Scientific research is aimed at solving modern problematic issues in ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex through the concepts of the evolutionary paradigm of the functioning and development of economic systems. Methodology for ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex, taking into account the strategic potential, which provides for a systematic study of the constructive or destructive influence of factors on the competitiveness of the industrial complex, is proposed. The concept of strategic transformations in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex, which focuses on purposeful procedures, regulations, decisions, measures and actions with the maximum use of the available economic potential and competitive advantages in the intraeconomic environment and their building on modern market principles and approaches, is developed and substantiated. The methodical bases of risk management in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of the industrial complex, which shows the dialectical reciprocity of concentration and deconcentration of economic activities in the industrial complex and solve contradictory problems, are substantiated. It is developed the conceptual model of the mechanism for regulating competitiveness and structural transformations in the industrial complex, which forms a multicomponent system of interaction between the corresponding components, which have a targeted impact on the process of forming and increasing competitive advantages, under conditions of structural transformations based on organizational, functional and instrumental support, observing the principles of dynamism, incrementalism, permanence and iteration. Scientific approaches to structuring competitiveness in the industrial complex are researched and substantiated. Conceptual bases and methodical provisions for strategic management of structural and functional transformations in the industrial complex, which are supplemented by components of interrelated elements and are based on the method of adaptive modelling with the construction of situational mechanisms for solving strategic and operational tasks, taking into account the factors of influence of the external and intra-industry environment, are formed. The conceptual basis and methodological bases of the system of strategic planning for the development and competitiveness of the industrial complex, which are complemented by the paradigm of modelling the parameters of strategic development and competitiveness, are developed. Scientific and methodical approaches to the formation of a strategy for ensuring competitive advantages in the industrial complex, which provide for a set of balanced strategic purposes, organizational and functional actions, system principles, instrumental support and are based on the results of diagnosing the condition of potential opportunities, trends of the external and internal factor environment, are formed. The scientific bases for improving industrial policy in the context of modernizing the country's economy, aimed at structural and functional restructuring of the industry, which will ensure the strategic development of the industrial complex through the use of intra-industry innovation and investment potential, resource opportunities and human capital, are proposed and substantiated. The theoretical and methodical bases for assessing the conditions of the competitive environment of the industrial complex, which provide for the use of compositional system of indexes, indicators, parameters and a set of criteria for integral assessment of competitiveness of the industrial complex, are improved. It is proposed the methodical support for the formation of competitiveness in the industrial complex, which, on the basis of extrapolation, can be adapted to the changing factor environment within the strategic prospects of the industrial complex development.


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