Bondar Y. Artistic and stylistic synthesis as a phenomenon of modern choral creativity

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 17.00.03 - Музичне мистецтво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.857.01

The Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music


The monograph explores systemic creative aspects and processual factors for the implementation of artistic style synthesis in the context of modern choral methodology. The following tasks are solved in the work: the approaches to the concept of modern choral creativity as a specific sphere of artistic musical thinking are clarified; the interaction of phenomena and terms syncretism – synthesis – new syncretism as basic in understanding and perception of modern choral creativity is substantiated; the parameters of the study of the phenomenon of artistic and stylistic synthesis as a systemic artistic phenomenon are revealed and its complexity and multilevelness is proved; the interpretive preconditions of the performer's understanding of the composer's text are determined; artistic information flows and their connections at the levels of style and genre categories are studied and new chorological approaches to the analysis of a musical text ; musical-textological parameters concerning features of fixing of modern creative concepts are revealed; the specifics of artistic and stylistic synthesis in the fields of new sacred music and new profane choral music are studied; the features of new conducting and performing strategies in modern creative activity as a category of modern choral studies are determined. The monograph offers an original theoretical model of the systemic construction of the phenomenon of artistic style synthesis in contemporary choral art. The specified theoretical model is presented through composing, performing, listening prerequisites for the formation of synthesis works. The work reveals the parameters of the existence of this model at the genre-style, intonational-artistic, interpretative, textological levels. The study reveals the specifics of synthesis works in the main directions of the new sacred and new profane choral music; features of the activities of the choirmaster conductor as a modern sociocultural phenomenon are determined. In particular, the phenomenon of art-style synthesis is proposed to be considered in two main directions: within a certain type of art and between types of art; at the activity and productive levels, which have their own hierarchical structure; and in an integrated approach to the processes of creative activity. Thus, the phenomenon of artistic and stylistic synthesis in modern choral work is proposed to be considered as its phenomenon and as a new category of modern choral studies.


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