Ustik T. Marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of sustainable development: theory, methodology, practice

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 55.859.01

Sumy National Agrarian University


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological and applied provisions and practical recommendations for the generation and implementation of marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises, focused on ensuring the sustainable nature of its economic development. The study organizes the conceptual and categorical apparatus of research on marketing and marketing of agricultural enterprises. The principles of construction of mechanisms of strategic management of marketing and sales activity of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. The genesis and scientific approaches to the typology of marketing management systems of agricultural enterprises are studied. Criteria for identification and systematization of marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises are determined. The methodological bases of estimation of competitive and conjunctural factors of realization of marketing and sales activity of agrarian enterprises are substantiated. Methodical approaches to assess the rationality, effectiveness and efficiency of marketing strategies are outlined. The functional load and organizational bases of realization of process of strategic management of marketing activity of agrarian enterprises are defined. The structural features of systems of strategic management of marketing activity are identified. An assessment of the commercial potential of agricultural enterprises in terms of their marketing environment. Methodical approaches to the assessment of strategic alternatives in the development and implementation of marketing and marketing strategies of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. The directions of development of marketing activity of agrarian enterprises are identified and the organizational and economic tools of their realization are developed. Integration strategies to increase the efficiency of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. In the dissertation the identification of structural features of systems of strategic management of marketing and sales activity by integration of tools of realization and service of marketing actions in the course of realization of sales procedures is carried out that allows to adhere to flexibility of system of sales activity of the agrarian enterprise in view of changes in external and internal environment. The systemic nature of the influence of competitive and market factors of marketing and sales activities of agricultural enterprises on the basis of formalization of methodological approaches to assess the effectiveness of marketing channels and commercial channels of market distribution, as well as comparing these estimates with the identification of sales opportunities. Conceptual bases of construction and functioning of systems of strategic management of marketing activity by implementation of tools of realization and service of marketing actions in the course of realization of industrial and commercial activity that allows to adhere to principles of emergence, flexibility, adaptability and additivity of marketing systems of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. Methodological bases of performance estimation of efficiency of functioning of channels of market distribution of agricultural production and use by agrarian enterprises of channels of advancement in the course of management of marketing activity are based, which are based on identification of system signs of influence of competitive characteristics of target markets on formation and realization of possibilities further determination of the typology and essential content of the marketing strategies of the enterprises selected on the basis of rationality corresponding to the potential opportunities.


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