Shchypak H. Theoretical Principles of Hexaploid Triticale Breeding for Adaptability, Yield Capacity and Quality

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.01.05 - Селекція і насінництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.366.01

Institute of Plant Breeding named after V. Ya. Yuriev of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Object: establishment of value of triticale cultivars; improvement of breeding designs and methods and the efficiency of different types of crossing; determination of the efficiency of creation of multiline triticale cultivars with a set of economically valuable traits; development of parameters of models of promising triticale cultivars; establishment of levels and advantages of technological properties of winter and alternate triticale. Objective: methodological justification of the basics of hexaploid triticale breeding for increase in and fulfillment of the genetic potential by defining new scientific and methodological approaches to the creation of (winter, alternate) triticale cultivars with increased adaptability, resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, increased grain yield and green mass capacities, high fodder qualities and increased or high technological and bread-making scores. Methods: general scientific, breeding, field, laboratory, biochemical, technological, statistical. Novelty: The basics of breeding have been theoretically substantiated and hexaploid triticale cultivars with high bread-making scores have been practically bred. Patterns of the creation of new hexaploid triticale lines via intraspecies and remote hybridization have been outlined; they form a basis of breeding programs to obtain multiline cultivars with high adaptive, yield and quality indicators. The basic parameters of triticale cultivars models for specific purposes have been developed. The methodical principles of the creation of new multiline triticale cultivars of different growth habits have been theoretically substantiated and implemented into production: winter fodder cultivars; winter grain/fodder/technical cultivars; mid-tall winter and alternate cultivars; grain and universal cultivars, with good or excellent bread-making scores; short-stemmed cultivars with high bread-making scores. Results. A design, models of triticale cultivars as well as breeding methods of triticale cultivars with winter, alternate and polymorphic growth habits have been developed and implemented in breeding. This has ensured the selection of triticale breeding lines valuable diue to a set of traits through intraspecies and remote hybridization and allowed for the breeding of competitively viable and high-yielding cultivars of various growth habits, with optimal or high adaptability, suitable for different purposes. Degree of Implementation. The cultivars created have been introduced into the agriculture of Ukraine. The starting breeding material and methodological achievements are involved in the breeding programs of the Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS. Twenty one authorship certificates for triticale cultivars have been received. Scope of Implementation: research institutions of NAAS, NAS and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, educational establishments, agrarian enterprises of Ukraine.


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